San Diego Unified School District
Carson Elementary School
School Site Council Meeting
May 3, 2016 Meeting Minutes
MEMBERS PRESENT (Unless otherwise noted):
STAFF: Courtney Young, Principal; Jennifer Moser, Classified; Nora Navarrete, Teacher; Maria Pallitto-Lima, Teacher; Julie Wong, Teacher; Angie Nolting, DAC Representative.
PARENT/COMMUNITY: Erika Thomas, Parent (not present); Vanessa Sifuentes, Parent; Norma Rivera, Parent (not present); Ana Diaz, Parent (not present); Jennie Cota, Parent (not present); Carol Parkhurst, Community (not present).
AGENDA from May 3, 2016 SSC Meeting
1. Call to Order
Jennifer Moser, Chair
2:35 p.m.
2. Approval of Minutes
Jennifer Moser, Chair
Voting Item
Motion Made: Pallitto-Lima
2nd: Navarrete
Motion Passed: All approved.
3. Budget Major Categorical Funding Expenditure Changes 2015-16
Jennifer Moser, Chair
Informational and Voting Item
Please see meeting minutes item 3 (below) for approval of expenditure changes.
4. SBAC Testing
Ms. Young, Principal
Informational Item
Review of upcoming standardized testing for students in grades 3-5 and timeline for testing.
5. DAC Report
Angie Nolting, DAC Representative
Informational Item
-Title 1 Budget at District Level handout distributed to SSC team.
-SSC page on school's website
-Food services presentation to DAC: changes to the menu; use of local vendors; and utilize fruits and vegetables from the school garden
6. Member Announcement/Public Comment
Informational Item
Sifuentes inquired about a shade/canopy for the outside lunch arbor.
Discussion: parents willing to fundraise; possibility of an existing plan; Prop Z; and mulberry tree.
7. Adjourn SSC
Jennifer Moser, Chair
Informational Item
3:32 p.m.
Call to Order: 2:35 p.m.
Approval of Minutes from the March 1, 2016 SSC Meeting (Voting Item):
Motion made to approve the minutes from December 1, 2015: Pallitto-Lima; Second: Navarrete. Motion passed: all approved.
Budget Major Categorical Funding Expenditure Changes 2015-16 (Informational and Voting Item): Ms. Moser provided SSC members with an informational handout. It was a proposal to SSC to consider the following budget major categorical funding expenditure changes:
Resource 30101 is Carson's Title I arts grant. This resource was overspent by $3,053.40. Proposal made requesting the expense from resource 30101 account number 1192 + benefits for the amount of $3,055 to be transferred to resource 30100 account number 1192 + benefits.
Motion made to transfer the expense from resource 30101 account number 1192 + benefits for the amount of $3,055 to resource 30100 account number 1192 + benefits: Nolting; second: Pallitto-Lima. Motion passed: all approved.
Resource 30101: Carson will only be using this resource for teacher hourly (account 1157) and visiting teachers (account 1192). The balances from all other accounts needs to be moved into these two accounts to balance this resource.
Motion made to move the balance/budget for accounts 4301, 4304, 5209, 5735, 5853, 5853, 5859 to accounts 1157 ($9297.11) and 1192 ($5983.01) to balance the budget: Pallitto-Lima; second: Wong. Motion passed: all approved.
Resource 30100: due to changes in the budget this year, instead of using funding for 4301 supplies ($3,773), 4304 supplies ($960), software license ($48), it has been proposed that these funds be moved to 1192 visiting teacher for subs for CoTA planning and teacher collaboration. Total amount is $4,781.
Motion made to move funds 4301 supplies ($3,773), 4303 supplies ($960), software license ($48) to 1192 visiting teacher for subs for CoTA planning and teacher collaboration: Navarrete; second: Pallitto-Lima. Motion passed: all approved.
Resource 30103: expenses for 4304 were coded incorrectly when ESA was reconciling the purchase card.
Motion made to move expenses in 4304 ($24.76) and 4304 ($135.48) to the correct budget string 0055 30100 4304 2495 00000 010000 0000: Pallitto-Lima; second: Wong. Motion passed: all approved.
- SBAC Testing (Informational Item):
The testing time frame is May 31 through June 30, 2016. The school campus will be in testing mode. Students in grades 3-6 will participate in state testing; however, not all students will be testing at the same time.
There are two state tests: Common Core and science CST (CA State Standards).
The Common Core assessment is referred to as either SBAC or PARCC. Students in grades 3-5 will participate in SBAC testing. The assessment is administered on the computer. Forty-six states will/are participating in this assessment. The test is rigorous, demanding, and difficult. It will take approximately two weeks to administer this assessment to each grade level.
The science CST addresses 'old' CA science standards for grade 5. This assessment is paper and pencil format with fill in the blank responses. Testing time period is three days.
This SBAC testing information will be shared at the upcoming Family Friday event at Carson Elementary on May 6, 2016.
Students will be encouraged to do their best on the test, don't stress. Show what you know. During this testing time period, there will not be ELD and no bells in order to provide test takers a quiet environment.
DAC Report (Informational Item):
Ms. Sifuentes attended the most recent DAC meeting. She shared information regarding the district's food services department. The food services department presented information regarding a review of the menu and potential changes to the menu. The department proposed the use of local vendors and school site gardens. Many schools have local gardens and it is thought that students would be more invested in food grown in their local garden. Ms. Sifuentes also added that a significant amount of funds is wasted due to food waste and food thrown away. The food not eaten is being thrown away. Should be consider a change in the type of food being served to students? Ms. Young wants to know which foods are not being eaten by our students so that these items might be removed from our food rotation.
Ms Young added information to the discussion: the STEAM/CoTA partnership local arts grant will continue. As part of the next stage in the art grant, Ms. Young proposes that Carson Elementary develop a long and vertical fruit and vegetable garden with the intent of growing a variety of food and also accessibility. Resources have been embedded into the proposal. Mrs. Nolting added that many students are currently learning about and being exposed to planting and gardening in anticipation of the upcoming SD County Fair field trip.
Mrs. Nolting distributed a handout with SSC: it was the Title I Budget at the district level. She also shared that our school site website should have an SSC link. She was able to locate SSC information on our website; however, the information was outdated and in need of being updated. She mentioned that there were specific forms/district information that DAC requested be on the school site website: Title I Parent Involvement Policy and the Home School Compact (in both English and Spanish). Ms. Young will send these two document to a staff member who has been developing our website so that this information can be added and updated on our website. Mrs. Nolting will provide Ms. Young with the SSC website checklist so the information on our site can be updated.
Member Announcement/Public Comment (Informational Item):
Mrs. Sifuentes inquired about a current position, ELST, that is not slated to be budgeted next year. Ms. Young confirmed that this position has been eliminated due to budget constraints. Ms. Young is committed to maintaining a consistent staff made up of members who want to stay and help support students.
Mrs. Sifuentes inquired about the possibility of fundraising in order to raise funds to purchase a canopy for the outdoor lunch arbor. Currently some of our students eat lunch in this area and there is not shade available to them. Ms. Moser mentioned that she will research the possibility that there is already an existing plan to address this need: providing coverage for this area. Prop Z was also mentioned in the discussion and the possibility that there are funds left in our school site budget. In response address the current issue of the lack of shade, we can change the lunch schedules as the hot weather months approach. For the time being, classes/groups can be changed and rotated so that the same students do not sit in this area for lunch.
All members agreed that this is a safety concern and a potential health hazard. This can possibly expedite progress towards gaining coverage for this area.
There was also mention that the mulberry tree in the outdoor lunch area might be chopped down so an awning can be put up. Team agreed that they would like to see the tree remain in the lunch arbor.
Upper grade students can line up in the shade while they wait for their lunch.
Adjourn SSC (Informational Item): 3:32 p.m.